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List of shipping charges Shipment fee

LINK BY MILLE uses Sagawa Express and Yamato Transport from Yamagata Prefecture to ship nationwide and overseas.

From February 3, 2023, as prices continue to soar, we have teamed up with both Yamato and Sagawa to use Nekoposu or ordinary mail to make shopping easier. Therefore, we will reduce the shipping fee for the time being. (Price reduction varies by region.) The delivery method will be decided by our company, but there is usually no delay in delivery.

Japan shipping list latest version

Regular shipping and HAPPYBAG are the size of the luggage, so the previous shipping fee will be applied only to this.

Hokkaido 460 yen → 420 yen

Tohoku 400 yen → 360 yen

Shinetsu Hokuriku 400 yen → 360 yen

Kanto 400 jpy →360 jpy

Tokai 450 yen → 400 yen

Kinki 450 yen → 400 yen

Chugoku-Shikoku 480 yen → 400 yen

Kyushu 480 yen → 430 yen

Okinawa 550 yen → 490 yen

FOR INTERNATION (Macow, Hong Kong, Singapore)


99.59 MOPs


price will be changed by currency rate.